Owner and founder of Southern Honey, Southern Agribussiness.
Image: Garth (myself) and beekeeping apprentince Denzel in one of our favourite locations - Kangaroo Valley.
ABOUT US — Southern Honey
The foundations for Southern Honey began several years ago, when my wife purcahesed me a beehive for Father's Day. From there, a passion for beekeeping and bees instantly sprouted and flourished. What was originally a couple hives in the backyard soon turned into a small business, supplying cut comb and honey to a local bulk food store. As time progressed, more sites were needed, the demands for local honey increased and my love for the work was beyond control. I now supply for Capilano, as well as a number of local stores all around the beautiful Southern Highlands, and additionally carry out contracted pollinations.
The 2019/2020 bushfires were devestating for the beekeeping industry, wiping out the bushland sites dedicated to the bees' yearly flow rotations. Through the support of the governement and associated organisations, beekeepers like myself have been able to continue our work and for that I say a huge thank you.
As of 2021, we have begun working towards opening a queen breeding branch of the business, planting out a stunning lavender farm for our bees.